Are You are a Caring “Care Giver?”

In Australia over 42,000 children a year are abused. Often the abuse may go un-noticed or be seen as part of “discipline” in the form of physical or emotional abuse – over zealous smacking or yelling at the children.  But when discipline is constant, harsh or habitual it passes from parental control to abuse.  Sexual abuse or neglect is never okay, and these are always reportable.

The effects of any type of abuse and/or neglect on a child can be significant and will frequently lead to lifelong problems. It can impact a child’s brain development, but it will always affect how they feel and think about themselves, how successful they are at school, the friends they make and even their physical development and skills. Long term, it can lead to drug and alcohol abuse, mental illness, difficulty developing and maintaining good relationships, unemployment and result in many types of social disadvantage – all relating back to the child’s experiences, and very rarely their fault or within their control.

It has always been thought that once a child has been abused and grown up, that they couldn’t turn back the clock, but is this really true? What if a person could go back to the abusers, not as a victim but as an empowered person? What if they could do whatever they ever wanted to do to them and be safe?

The Richards Trauma Process allows a therapist to “step a child” through a process to allow exactly this to happen.  TRTP does this with the use of hypnosis. The therapist uses hypnosis to let a person know that it is over and they are safe, but more importantly that they have power over the past terrible events. The process is fast effective but above all safe.  There is absolutely no ‘re-traumatising!’

If you would like to know more about the process and what it involves why not contact us to arrange a complimentary strategy session.

Get your life back!