Featured Case Studies

Over the years we have helped hundreds of diverse people with their presenting concerns. Whether it be depression, anxiety or PTSD, which can also present together, TRTP works to resolve these issues and help you to break free from the cycle. Read our case studies below to understand some examples of what The Richards Trauma Process can achieve.


David came to see me as he was angry, anxious, and depressed, so much so that he was not able to function as he would like in life. When his depression, anxiety and stress were measured, he presented as severe depression, extremely severe anxiety and moderate stress.

David said the first session was awesome and he was already feeling freer. After the second session, his depression, anxiety, and stress were well within the normal range. He also said that he was not angry anymore and taking out his frustrations on his family.

When David came for his third and last session, his depression, anxiety, and stress scores had dropped even more. He said that he felt calmer and more grounded. His family had also noticed his changes, and his relationship with his wife had improved.


Joan feeling very depressed and quite hopeless. At the time, Joan knew she was being emotionally triggered by the actions and demands of her partner’s ex-wife and children. Joan felt out of control and unable to relax in the home.

Our clinical DAS (depression/Anxiety/stress) questionnaire showed Joan’s scores to be (D)mild, (A)extremely severe and (S) moderate.

After Session 1 was completed, Joan commented ‘It was different than I expected’ and reported feeling calm and much lighter (mentally). Joan left looking forward to listening to the recording each night for the following week.

Session 2 was completed seven days after the first, and Joan arrived a little apprehensive but ready to participate 100%.

In Joan’s second session, there were visible signs of releasing pent-up anger and distress. When Joan finished, she said that she felt a huge weight had been lifted and she was now free.

When the follow-up DAS report was completed, Joan’s depression, anxiety, and stress had now moved to well within normal. Joan reported that the experience was fantastic and life-changing. She said that her partner’s previous spouse and children ‘appeared to have changed’ as they were no longer bothering her or creating tension. Best of all, her relationship with ‘her man’ had really improved.


Richard came to see me because he said he felt like he did not belong. He was having difficulty in socialising. When talking to him, I found him very shut down, lacking in confidence and self-esteem. His scores for depression and anxiety were in the normal range, and his stress levels were mild. Despite this, he felt that he could not get ahead or achieve much in life. His life was stagnant and lacking purpose.

Richard was very surprised by the emotions that arose during his first session. He cried several times. At the end of the session, he said, ‘I saw myself in a whole new way, it was an amazing experience. I truly am enough just as I am.’

The second session of TRTP can be quite intense and Richard said he was quite fearful about the upcoming session.

Apprehension can occur when we are unsure of ‘what’ is going to happen, especially when we are already highly stressed. After a more in-depth explanation of what we would be doing, Richard was ready to put his fears aside and participate fully. At the end of the session his physiology had changed, and his smile was priceless. Richard reported he felt not only lighter, but stronger, in control, and ready to start planning his next steps.

Session three is a favourite session. This is all about the future, and Richard arrived beaming, and it was hard to believe he was the same man. Richard reported he was feeling calm, not stressed and had been socialising without feeling anxious. His scores for depression, anxiety and stress had dropped to zero for all three. A fantastic result.

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