Healing and Growth: Navigating Stress, Grief, and Self-Discovery

Anxiety and Depression

Sometimes, the hardest thing is picking up the phone and making an appointment. Feel free to text or email me and I will contact you by whatever means you are most comfortable. Taking that first step is part of your journey to freedom.

Sometimes, anxiety and depression seem to define us. It doesn’t have to be this way. I offer effective and fast relief from these emotional challenges’ debilitating effects and help you regain your life.

Stress and Burnout

Work-life balance is one of the hardest things to achieve. We often get so caught up in what we must/have to/should/would/could do every day that we forget

 to make time stretch further.

We feel an obligation to our work. Family time is always important, but we rarely schedule it in our diary. 

Our health and wellbeing needs mental and physical breaks in the ‘have to do’s’ of life. Putting ourselves first is not selfish, it is life-giving and supportive to you and your health. 

Burnout is not talked about, not even thought about, in fact, until it happens.  Schedule time for yourself and your physical and mental health.  Start now, today!  After you start to feel burnt out, it is long past the time to start.


Babette Rothschild’s groundbreaking book, “The Body Remembers,” sheds light on how grief can deeply affect us and linger in our bodies. It’s like the past is still happening now. But what if we could change that? Imagine if your life could feel different. There are innovative ways to process trauma that can eventually ease its impact. I’ve seen clients feel a huge sense of relief from exhaustion, dread, and other trauma-related effects in as few as three sessions.

Grief and Loss

We never truly get over grief; instead, we learn to make space for it in our lives. And you know what? We shouldn’t have to go through it alone. Grief is all about love, whether it’s the messy kind (things that should never have happened) or the beautiful kind (cherished people or moments we miss). I create a warm, safe environment where your grief can be acknowledged, held close, and gently integrated into your life as a source of wisdom. We’ll find heartfelt and creative ways to let go and heal.

Understanding of Self

Swiss therapist Carl Jung understood that we have a true self that isn’t immediately accessible, and we often live out of a constructed, false self that sabotages our freedom. No excuses: it’s time to change that. As clients discover their true self, they live with newfound self-compassion, self-respect, and the ability to respond to the false self’s demands without being hijacked by its insecure energy

Relationship Issues

If you’ve just ended a toxic relationship, it might feel like you’re left with a mess that isn’t your fault. You’ve probably developed coping strategies that don’t truly reflect who you are and aren’t effective outside that relationship but were necessary to avoid conflicts. Undertaking counselling can be incredibly beneficial as it helps you deconstruct these survival mechanisms, understand their impact, and move forward without carrying the baggage from your past relationship. This process will enable you to rediscover your true self and build healthier relationships in the future.

Healthy Habits

They say that the older we get, the more we spend on health rather than wealth building. Why is that? Well, we are bombarded daily with all the wrong foods to eat.  It becomes almost impossible not to ‘crave’ the tasty bad stuff.

We are flooded with information about how to ‘slowly kill yourself’ all day, every day.  The advertising is appalling in the frequency and graphics of ‘tasty’ food. 

Bad eating habits, lack of exercise, poor sleep, insomnia, overspending, and porn addictions can wreak havoc on our lives, signalling that we’re not living as we should. If any part of your life feels unmanageable and you know willpower alone isn’t the answer, I can help. Together, we can create a vibrant, sustainable, and fulfilling life free from the clutter of poor habits and behaviours, setting you on the path to health and a meaningful relationship.

Life Coaching – Career, Social, Sport, Financial, Life skills

Life has two distinct periods, (Youth and Maturity) each requiring a different approach, but no one really tells us that. When the methods from the first half of life stop working, things can go awry—this happened to me at 50! Suddenly redundant, I needed to rethink my working career.  I love helping people gain new skills and perspectives when facing challenges.  My skill is offering insights and solutions through times of loss and change. Often, we need an older, more experienced ear to guide us through big decisions. With my 70 years of life experience and training, I can help you find clarity and confidence in your choices. Let’s work together to navigate your journey with assurance and purpose.

Get your life back!