Is stress, depression or PTSD affecting your life?

If you are involved in “front line” activities, whether in the military, Para-medic, firefighter, police, a doctor, or even a midwife or a teacher, there is almost an 75% chance you have been exposed to events that may cause have caused trauma or P.T.S.D.

Have you experienced any of the following?

  • Sudden anxiety
  • Avoidance of crowded places
  • “Hyper-vigilance”  – always prepared – just in case X happens?
  • You re-run movies of past events “over and Over”
  • Suffering from Depression,  stress, and not coping with normal everyday situations
  • Addictive habits like smoking, drugs, overeating
  • Suicidal thoughts

When you have a stressful or traumatic event in your life, the brain goes into a survival mode called the fright, flight or freeze syndrome. The brain sets the body up to run away, fight or if the event is too much to “comprehend” at that moment, to freeze. Your body then releases cortisol into your system, causing you to feel under stress.

Normally this process enables us to cope with the ups and downs of normal living. Usually, when the event is over, the brain processes the event and turns it into a memory, and we go back to calm.

Sometimes, the brain cannot process the event and turn it into a memory.  Scientists are not sure why this happens but the result of not processing the event means “you relive this event or events” constantly in your mind.  It’s like a movie looping.

This looping reactivates your body’s survival response.  It presents as stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, phobias, anger, fits of rage, addictions and eventually may be diagnosed as PTSD.

To resolve these issues, your brain needs to know:

  1. It’s over, and you are safe.
  2. You have power over the event or events.

Conventional treatment and drugs often mask the cause of stress, anxiety, depression and PTSD, and as a result, many treatments are only partly successful.

“The Richards Trauma Process Therapy” (TRTP) has been proven to achieve fast and effective results in clearing and resolving the events that resulted in unresolved trauma. In only three sessions, the stress, anxiety, depression or PTSD caused by the past can be addressed. This process will leave you feeling safe and empowered, back in control of your emotions and life.
Steve is a Certified TRTP Therapist and would love to discuss this further if you would like more information. Phone: Steve on 1300 645354 Transformations Coaching & Hypnotherapy.  

Get your life back!