What happens at a TRTP session?

Session 1: CHANGE 

In this first session, we embark on a journey of self-discovery while laying the foundation for a profound transformation.  Through specifically designed questioning and techniques, we unearth the bedrock of unconscious core beliefs that anchor you to past traumas.  With empathetic guidance, we navigate the intricacies of your psyche, discovering a reality of the ‘real you’ while fostering a safe space for growth and healing.  Together, we plant the seeds of empowerment, breaking free of the unsupportive beliefs that have held you back from being the You you wish to be.  The words: “I Choose to know….”  Ring in your mind as You realise something amazing has changed in your life. 


Session 2: RESET

The second session is where You ‘reset’ and take back ‘control’ of your life.   At the heart of TRTP™ lies the understanding that unresolved past events can manifest as present-day anxiety.  Utilising Dynamic Re-Imagination, we peel back the layers of fear, allowing buried emotions, shame and guilt to rise.   You are not alone on this journey, I am with you every step of the way, guiding you through the TRTP process. As you experience the ‘shift’ from feeling overwhelmed by Fight Flight, Freeze responses to feeling the reboot as the emotional charge of the past traumas dissipates and you move from “I’m not safe” to “It’s over.. I am safe now!”  


Session 3: CREATE

As we enter the final chapter of your transformation, we will consolidate our work. I will introduce techniques and exercises to become your best friend and advisor.  

 I will lead you in a powerful mindfulness session and give you the time and space to imagine your life free from worry, stress, and fear. Imagine that: no guilt, no shame, no judgment. The past has become a distant memory, and life has become about ‘today’. It is time to live in the Now. Experience the profound empowerment you feel as you emerge from the crucible of healing, poised to embrace life with newfound serenity and strength.

Get your life back!