Depression, Anxiety, Stress, PTSD

stop the cycle

Stephen Gardiner
live an extraordinary life

Break free from your Past

If you answered yes to 3 or more of the above and have had symptoms for longer than 3 months then it is possible you are experiencing issues relating to unresolved trauma, grief or guilt.
Stephen Gardiner is a Certified Member of IICT
The Richards Trauma Process - TRTP. A unique and elegant therapy to change long term anxiety quickly and effectively
American Board of NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming
unresolved trauma creates your reality

What is your story?

Your present symptoms are caused by previous trauma. When we discover this and work to resolve our trauma we can make significant progress. We help you to understand your story and reshape your future.

trauma therapy that works

What is TRTP?

The Richards Trauma Process – TRTP – utilizes dynamic re-imagining to enable you to overcome stress, anxiety, depression, anger and PTSD quickly, safely and effectively. Typically, in three 90-minute sessions, you can go from an ‘out of control life’  to living your life calmer and in control of your emotions and your decisions.

TRTP helps with a range of conditions

Case Studies


David came to see me as he was angry, anxious, and depressed, so much so that he was not able to function as he would like in life...


Joan feeling very depressed and quite hopeless. At the time, Joan knew she was being emotionally triggered by the actions and demands of her partner’s ex-wife and children...


Richard came to see me because he said he felt like he did not belong. He was having difficulty in socialising. When talking to him, I found him very shut down, lacking in confidence and self-esteem...

How does anxiety, depression or stress happen?

How does anxiety, depression or stress happen?

When someone experiences a stressful event, the brain goes into survival mode, called the “Flight, Fight, Freeze” (FFF) response.  Immediately, survival kicks in. The brain tells the body to (1) run away, (2) fight, (3) but if the event is so overwhelming, too horrible and is too much to “comprehend”, the mind tells the body to “freeze”.  This “Flight, fight, freeze” reaction triggers a flood of cortisol and adrenaline to be released, causing the stress levels to rise. This continues until the danger is passed.

 At that stage, the person relaxes as the event finishes; the brain processes the action and turns the event into a memory.  The person returns to being calm. 

Occasionally, the brain does not or cannot process the event and the chemicals necessary to turn it into a memory are not released. When this happens, the person “re-lives this event or events constantly, and it’s like re-running a movie repeatedly! Their mind starts “looping,” which results in the body feeling revved up, tense, and anxious all the time.  In this hyper-vigilant state, it is impossible to focus clearly, to do simple tasks or to plan their day, let alone the future. 


Your mind is stuck in “flight, flight, freeze” so suddenly, you begin to experience severe stress, anxiety, depression, and panic attacks.  You develop phobias and experience bursts of anger or rage.  Often, addictive behaviours like smoking and drinking become ‘a crutch’ to get you through the emotional roller coaster. Over time, the persistent flashbacks, the nightmares, and the nervousness take control of ‘Your’ life and ‘You’ cannot cope emotionally.  You find yourself avoiding ‘situations’ as the desire to avoid sets in.  The person stays away from things that remind them of the event, shuts down emotionally, and often begins to self-medicate with alcohol, smoking, eating or drugs (prescribed or others). 

Until ‘You’ address past stressful events, they can and will ‘trigger’ emotions – fear, anger, uncertainty, lack of self-worth or confidence, and even panic attacks unexpectedly.

The F.F.F. reaction is natural and necessary to keep us safe. It is ‘triggered’ by emotional and stressful events often during a normal day.

So how do we ‘stop the cycle?’ 

For the body and mind to process “un-resolved stress” it needs to know two things:


1. That “It’s Over” and you are “Safe!”

2. You have power over the events and/or perpetrators.

How it works

The first 4 steps to start the process

Step 1

Phone book complimentary session

Step 2

Learn about the process at your complimentary session

Step 3

Decide:  I am ready to change

Step 4

Book in for your three session

The TRTPTM Process

It takes just three sessions, each a week apart,  and you can break free of the events that have been the cause of your stress, anxiety, depression or PTSD and “Get Your Life Back!”

Just Imagine: Living Stress Free

Get your life back today


1300 64 53 54



Hansen Court, Capalaba

resources to support your success

read our articles

TRTP Trauma Therapy - The benefits are life changing. Only 3 sessions one week apart

TRTP Trauma Therapy

The Richards Trauma Process (TRTP) is a unique approach to therapy that can be particularly effective for individuals who have experienced extreme childhood trauma. TRTP  trauma therapy helps trauma survivors deactivate the fight-or-flight response and activate the rest-and-digest response, allowing

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Deep Insight into Trauma

So many people are suffering at this time of year!  It is normal to eagerly look forward to spending time with family and loved ones. But for some people, this is not the case.  Spending time with relatives can be

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Judith Richards on TRTP

TRTP – The Richards Trauma Process is a unique and very elegant therapy used to resolve, rather than manage, PTSD and long term anxiety, stress and other related mental health issues. Listen to what Judith Richards has to say … 

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